Well, here we are again…
So, I renewed the domain name for this site today. Since the domain is around for another year, I figured I’d wipe the slate clean and start over again. For those who will find this, welcome. This site has been off the radar for a couple of years now, so I’m pretty much building from the ground up again.
This blog has been a lot of things in its long life – music blog way back when, switching to a politics blog in the early ‘aughts. I had a long talk with a friend the other night about how a whole lot of us early bloggers logged heavy hours during the Bush years, and ended up getting burned out and backing off the fight after a while. I don’t think I’ve got the stomach for a pure political blog at this point – as bad as things were back in the
Age of Bush, the atmosphere nowadays is orders of magnitude more toxic in the Obama Era. While you may find the occasional political post here, there is no way you’ll be getting a steady diet of politics here at B3.
Since I bailed on this site last, I’ve followed my main passion – music – as well as developing a new one in photography. So these topics will factor heavily in the content you’ll be seeing here, along with all the odd shit that pops up all over the internet.
For some reason, I’m looking forward to this. If you found this message, welcome back.
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