Well, it does say ‘Pontificating sporadically…’
Been meaning to get back here for a while… I’ve thought about starting up off and on since that last post, the video for ‘Iron Sky’ from two Decembers ago. There’s a reason I haven’t, and I’ll try to explain.
At the time I made my last post, I was suffering from depression and I did not even know it. I thought I was fine. But my wife, who is so much more aware of so many things than I’ll ever be, convinced me to talk to someone about it, and I eventually gave in.
Now, almost a year and a half later, I’m beginning to get a handle on it. I’m now aware of what to watch out for and how to avoid slipping into thoughts that are better not slipped into. Life ain’t always a big fun party and sometimes I don’t feel my best, but I think I’m handling things better nowadays and I don’t live in that tunnel of introspection and doubt any more. And if I do go into that tunnel, I don’t stay as long as I used to.
So…I’m back. Again. And if you happen to stop by, so much the better.
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