Author: B3admin

Three easy steps to dial back Ebola Fear

Ebola. That simple word is the latest source of all men’s fears. Before that, ISIL. And the list above traces the Things That Were Going To Kill Us All, all the way back to...

….Blows dust off blog, hits switch…

Hey, still works! Whaddya know! After the wife and I went out for dinner on Friday night, we both had opinions about the food and the service and all restaurant-related stuff. She suggested we...


  One day back in 2005, my wife and I made the decision that it would be nice to have a dog. We headed off to the Brookhaven Animal Shelter and went looking at...

On the Night Shift…

You’ll probably notice some posts at very odd times for the next few days. Our dog Cody had emergency surgery on Tuesday, and the wife and I are keeping weird hours as we try...

Tragedies re-enacted by kids

This is a pretty audacious concept – a Canadian photographer stages re-enactments of some of the most brutal news stories in recent memories, using kids as actors. He’s got a pretty spot-on take on...

Happy 20th Birthday, World Wide Web!

20 years? Already? Twenty years ago today, something happened that changed the digital world forever: CERN published a statement that made the technology behind the World Wide Web available to use, by anybody, on...

Boston Marathon Bombing

A pair of explosions have rocked the finish line of the Boston Marathon. Video of the blast here. Not gonna speculate as to the motives behind this. I’ll wait until the figurative smoke clears.

It’s been a long time coming…

I am a New York Knicks fan. Since 1999 (the last time the Knicks got to the NBA Finals), I have been subjected to one mediocre squad after another. Toxic locker rooms. Scandal. Turmoil....

Haven’t we already advanced past this?

Umm… WTF, Georgia?? Students at one south Georgia high school share classrooms and sports fields; but, they don’t share the same prom. The school holds one prom for white students and another for students...